1. Focus Club definition
  2. Charter standard 1
  1. Focus Club definition
  2. Charter standard 1

2. Charter standard 1

Clubmark is the only national cross sports quality accreditation scheme for clubs with junior sections. It is built around a set of core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and adopted minimum operating standards.

Sport England recognises and values the commitment made by sports clubs to develop high quality, welcoming environments for young participants. The development of clubs that encourage young people to take-up sport, improve their talents and give them the option to initiate and maintain life-long participation in sport is an essential part of our work to support the sporting infrastructure in England.

This website provides everyone involved in the scheme with a dedicated, all-inclusive bank of relevant, up to date information and club databases as well as news and examples of best practice, including:

Pathway to accreditation - the first port of call for clubs interested in achieving Clubmark accreditation.

Resources - downloadable documents such as the comprehensive Resource

Pack and templates that help clubs to develop required policies and procedures.

Clubmark database - giving a clear picture of Clubmark clubs and those working towards accreditation, including details on their location, date of accreditation and local authority area.

Benefits - Clubmark clubs have seen many tangible benefits, such as increased participation, development of coaches and volunteers and improved links with schools.

Case studies - submitted by Clubmark clubs, these help others to benefit from success stories and key lessons learnt.

Clubmark Charter - making it easier for local authorities, SSPs, schools and other agencies to define how they recognise and support Clubmark clubs

Clubmark is endorsed by all the main sporting, youth and education agencies involved in delivery of sporting opportunity for young people as the accreditation scheme for clubs with quality assured junior sections.

A club is accredited via either its licensed National Governing Body (NGB) or County Sports Partnership (CSP). It must, therefore, be affiliated to the relevant Sport England recognised NGB in order to be accredited.